Of Things to Write

I’ve always been one to weigh my words carefully, as if they’re diamonds. Sometimes it might be tempting to just blurt out any rant and opinion that cross my mind.

Yet I’ve always failed to do so, like there’s a switch that flick to the side of caution every time the urge for expletives is increasing.

That goes double for emails and any other written communications, especially blogs. It's all too easy for someone to misconstrue even the simplest statement and get hot under the collar about it.

Being a consummate Libra, making peace is what comes most easily to me and what I do best. Some friends often criticize me for sitting in the fence far too frequently. Yet until now I haven’t had the temerity to write anything outrageous or controversial.

While it turns out that being outrageous and controversial is one of the recipe to get traffic and comments. Sex does sell and denouncing everyone’s favorite religion are among the current trends for attracting the elusive visitors.

Instead I chose to write about lighter stuff of life and decide to promote the beauty of Indonesia from time to time.

You get to see the hottest and mind boggling reports about my country from the news media and some of the blogs around. They often portray us in the darkest of tinted glass because let’s face it, for them bad news is good news. While I believe quite the opposite.

The truth perhaps lies somewhere in the middle, or it could be that the truth, does not exist at all.

My problem is, I haven’t been around my country that much.

I was born in Sulawesi, in my opinion the least celebrated island in the archipelago. I know the area pretty well. I have written about Bantimurung, and I La Galigo. I’ll probably write about Tana Toraja and Bunaken sometimes in the future.

I have touched about Tangkuban Perahu and Pelabuhan Ratu and will get to Prambanan and Borobudur next.

I studied architecture in Bandung for 6 years but have no fascinating view about the city compared to the other writings around.

That’s just about it really.

Of course I can write about other beautiful places by research (and there are a lot, believe you me), but that would not be from first hand experience. It won’t be fair.

Here I am hoping that someday I get the chance to see more places.


Rob Baiton said...


Blogs are intensely personal things for many of us and we blog about those things that interest us; sometimes heavy, sometimes light, sometimes sad, and sometimes funny!

I have a pretty eclectic mix of postings on my blog covering all sorts of topics from all sorts of places.

I do not write to attract visitors, although it is nice to be read, my writing is really a release valve for me to write about whatever interests me or annoys me or makes me laugh!

On the controversy / stupidity front. There are plenty of bloggers and site moderators whose bread and butter is controversy. Simply, the more controversy the better. These people though are generally making a few bucks out of the endeavour and need to makes sure people keep coming back (the glutton for punishment angle).

My advice (although not asked for) is to do whatever keeps you happy. Post as often or as infrequently as you want. And, write about whatever takes your fancy!

I enjoy reading your musings though. I would say this the more you write the more likely are people are to come back and check you out each day (which is always good for your site stats)!

Rishardana said...

Hi Pak Rob,

Thank you for the comment :)

Your blog is one place I frequent. As I were saying your stand on principle and your balanced view of things are something a lot of us should aspire to.

Yup, I should learn to just click away of places that ticked me off. It's like changing TV channel really. Only sometimes my inexperience got the better of me.

Thanks also for the advise :) Blogging really is a powerful tool, especially with people nowadays googling everything, it's becoming more and more like the main source of information.

Friends, here is Mr. Baiton's blog.

Abdullah Mohd Nawi said...

Hi Heru,

My first time in ur blog :)
Nice read...

Rishardana said...

Hi Abdullah :)

Thanks for coming by,
Nice to get a visit from neighbouring country.

You're a friend of Lina, I suppose.
Please do come around as often as you like :)

Ms Baker said...

u were born in sulawesi?
so u are a decendant of a bugis pirate?

Rishardana said...

Hehehe, not really, although that would be cool, me a swashbuckling bugis pirate.

I was born from a Sundanese father and Manadonese mother.

Finally Woken said...

Hey Rish, didn't know you're from Sulawesi. Absolutely agree with you that it's the least celebrated island in Indonesia. I spent over a decade in Makassar, and no matter what, I still crave from pangsit mie, songkolo, and Makassar's seafood. I still remember when we're visiting Bantimurung and I saw all the butterflies surrounding the area. Shame now you could hardly see one. It's us who are not responsible to maintain the area...

Write more about Makassar, I always miss the city.

Rishardana said...

Wah Mbak :) 10 years in Makassar you must know the city far better than I do. Hahaha, I laugh a lot reading at songkolo, not many people know that. Yeah the seafood in Makassar is nice.

Yup, hopefully I could write some more stuff about Sulawesi. Thanks for the encouragement Mbak :)

By the way, we had an office in Aberdeen, in the Bon Accord Crescent. Usually staffs from our office in Jakarta will be sent to Aberdeen for some training. I didn't get the chance tho'. Would love to see the city, from your description sounds like a very nice place :)

Finally Woken said...

Rish, Bon Accord Crescent is very nearby to where I live and it's the same street where my grandma-in-law lives. Arrange a trip to Aberdeen. You'd enjoy the cold, and I'd take you around the city and the countryside. It's gorgeous!:)

Rishardana said...

Wow, how about that :D ... the world is indeed smaller and smaller.

Hopefully someday Mbak :)
Ever since the braveheart, been dreaming of seeing the gorgeous Scotland.