
Some of Alfred Russel Wallace – The famous British Naturalist – most pleasurable moments in life were spent in Bantimurung. It is no overstatement as the name of the area itself, Bantimurung, loosely translated as a place to overturn sadness.

Notes of his alluring account in “Malay Archipelago” prompt many archeologists and lepidopterists to visit and observe the kingdom of butterflies he mentioned in his writings.

Bantimurung has long been known as a magnet for tourist, local and foreign. It was located about an hour northeast of Makassar, Sulawesi. The area has been stapled as a prime natural reservation but, sadly, that doesn't mean much in Indonesia.

Many wildlife species in Bantimurung are endangered by fervent collectors and locals who treat them as profitable souvenir. It is a popular weekend resort for families and couples who seek cooling in the river under the waterfall.

A lot has changed since Wallace roamed there in 1856-57.

The place once was the habitat of around 250 different types of butterfly. Recent research found only 100 left. It’s a rarity nowadays to see them flying around freely, so if you decided to visit, August and September would be the best season for a trip.

Papilio androcles
The largest and rarest swallow-tiled butterflies, often seen wander around Bantimurung

Back in 1999 was the last time me and friends rove this beautiful waterfall. Butterflies were all over the place at that time especially after the rain stops.

The magnificent view and the relaxing sound of surging water was comparable to the feelings I had when staring Pantheon’s rooftop or the tranquility of Sacre Coeur.

All that has led to Sir Wallace considered it paradise on earth.

I encourage you to come, time and money permits, before all the butterflies have gone.


Ms Baker said...

can u take us there please please please ?!?

Rishardana said...

Hahaha :) It is quite far from Jakarta. About 2 hours trip by plane to Makassar.

It's actually quite close to my parents home. Since my father retired he chose to stay out side of the city where everything slower and easier.

Ms Baker said...

ok next time u want to mudik to your parent's place please please tell us hokay? :)

Rishardana said...

Definitely :)
While you visit south of sulawesi, there are plenty of tourist spots worth look in to. There's Toraja, Bunaken, Malino and Tanjung Bira.

Unfortunately my plan to go mudik is not untill next year's Lebaran time :D

This year my family will visit Jakarta.

But I'll inform you whenever we are planing to visit Makassar.