Sight of a Woman

I barely escaped an accident this fine morning. Apparently, my ojek driver was totally distracted by sight of a woman in her translucent nightgown sweeping near the roadside. The driver likes what he saw too much, he missed an oncoming sedan from the opposite corner.

Our bike kissed the sedan face to face. I have to admit both drivers were pretty quick with their reflex. By chance, we all escaped with hardly a scratch. The only thing left was the exchange of angry words from both party. I can laugh at it now, but I’m guessing things won’t be this funny when we break a bone or two.

Now that's what we can call a defined beauty, if one could cause a traffic accident while performing house chores.

A while back, in my omprengan commute, a gorgeous woman in her twenty something sat by my left side. It’s very common to sleep during the whole trip, so did this young lady. Probably because she was still too tired, she slept like a baby and used my shoulder as some short of cushion to her pretty head.

Being a gentleman that I am (cough), I did not shrug her off. However, the temptation was killing me, as her hair was this nice smelling coconut-y. Moreover, you know that high percentage of women’s pheromone coming from the top of their head right? Therefore, you can guess that I was stuck between a rock and a hard place (no pun intended).

I touched my finger in search of the wedding ring to remind myself that I am married. Alas, the ring wasn’t there. I forgot that we had to take it off due to my swelling fat fingers.

So, anyway, I started to occupy my mind with more important and worldly topics. Starvation in Sudan, difficult physics formula, which I scarcely remember any, deadlines looming in the office, and finally I take solace in my favorite subject, footballs and gadgets. I lingered with those thoughts for a while and suddenly we almost arrived in our destination. One hour flew by that quickly.

The young woman and I exchanged polite smile as she departed off the omprengan. I wonder if she did that on purpose. Argh no way, I scolded my self; I am way past that glory days.

Speaking of sight of a woman, we have this consultant guest comes to our office every once a while. She’s a foreigner in her mid forty. She always wears this very low cut see-through dress and has been the talk of the office for sometime now. We can tell that she seldom wears any bra, but I can’t tell you how.

Whenever she speaks to me, I had to look a little bit higher than her eyebrows. I set my eyes just about the top of her forehead. As you know that, our cone of vision spanned approximately around 45 degrees right? That’s how I managed to slalom my way out of staring at her cleavage. She probably thinks I’m a geek, a prude or something.

Apologize for this rather lewd post, my friends. [tongue=in cheek] I’ve just found new respect of life from this near accident in the morning [/tongue].

  • Ojek is a motorcycle taxi used in Indonesia for short distance travel
  • Omprengan generally is a mini van type of car, like Suzuki Carry or Daihatsu Zebra. Two sit in front with the driver, four in the middle, and six in the back. It's not a formal mode of transportation, just like ojek.


Katadia said...

Rish... bagus posting-nya. Seneng bacanya! One comment: cowok sama aja deh dimana-mana! Ha..ha...

Rishardana said...

Hai Mbak Katadia :)
Hehe makasiiih ...
Iya cowok, one track mind banget ... perlu pake kacamata kuda :D

Therry said...

This posting reminds me of the day I used to catch omprengan myself.

Yes, I was the girl who fell asleep on other people's shoulders :P

But I gotta tell ya, falling asleep next to a woman feels so much nicer than a man because female office employees often wear those shoulder-padded blazers, therefore providing soft spots for me to lie my head on ha3x...

Anonymous said...

So... that's how man looking at woman while they trying to divert their dirty thoughts huh? 45 degrees? geesh... no wonder! and i kept thinking these bunch of guys can not be trusted because they didn't have the courage to see my eyes... and THAT is WHY... hahahahaha...

Thanks for letting me know Heru (^^p)

==== you know that high percentage of women’s pheromone coming from the top of their head right? ====

No, i don't know, how much of the percentage anyway? I'm curious here...

Anonymous said...

You've been TAGGED btw, pls read it here...

Trisnas last blog post..Four Things in The World of Trisna


Rishardana said...

Hi @Therry
Hahaha maybe because I'm 'slightly' on the chunky overweight shape, I can proudly say that my shoulders are soft (hahaha shameless promotion). Yeah I can't compete with women's shoulder pad though.

I'm starting to like this omprengan thing :D


Hi @Trisna
Hahaha :D why? ... do you use a low cut see-through dress too? I can see women's eyes fine when nothing distracts me too much. And weits, my mind was not too dirty loh (duelah promotion lagi), ask my friends :D

Well, I have to admit that pheromone thing was something I saw in the discovery channel (or was it CSI?) but can't remember the exact amount.

Simple google result shows that Women's Pheromone largely concentrated in these areas: the underarms, the circumoral region and lips, The eyelids, the outer ear and some other vital part I'm too shy to mention.

Hehe thanks for the Tag ... will do it in a few days.

Anonymous said...


You got yourself an Award!
See it in here...

Trisnas last blog post..Arte Y Pico Award

Rishardana said...

Wohooo :) thank you Trisna ...
I would like to thank the Academy for this award, my family, and all of the people who's been nothing but very supportive of me through all the good and bad years of my struggle in internet.

Hehe ... serius, makasih ya Tris :)

Therry said...

OMG I was gonna use this theme for my blog but decided not to... now I really can't! :P

L. Pralangga said...

I guess that 45 degrees can actually cause something 'rather' serious, wasn't it? ;)

Thanks for this entry, I enjoyed it, indeed..

..stuck between a rock and.. ? ;)

Rishardana said...

Hi @Therry
Hihi, yeah was just browsing around for templates yesterday and found this one. I like blue ... :D Untung gak bareng ya masangnya, ntar dikira janjian hehe ...


Hi @Mas KN
Very interesting name by the way :D

In short [rock] me [hard place]

A friend of mine call me 'easy' when I told her this story ....

hahaha, naah it was not something like you're alluring :D more like yearning for the good old days :)

Thanks for stopping by and comment.

Wow, UN peace keeping corps, you wouldn't happen to know a good friend of mine by the name of Capt. Kristomei Sianturi, would you?

Finally Woken said...

Rish, you're very polite. Most of my colleagues are "barbar" (maybe due to our industry). Once I was enjoying my ice cream and a colleague was staring at me until I asked," what?" and he said, "I want to be the that spoon"... LOL.

But you know what, girls who put their breasts on display means they enjoy the attention. So maybe your colleague is enjoying her power, she knows she makes you uncomfortable :)

Rishardana said...

Hahaha, that colleague of yours is naughty Mbak.

Hm, very interesting point re: making the opposite person uncomfortable. Never thought about that. Perhaps that's why I always say yes to all of her request, darn.

Learned my lesson now :D Thanks Mbak Anita.

Anonymous said...

Hi mas rishardana,

this article was interesting, especially about those pheromone area, wow... frankly speaking, just known those area by reading your post and comment here...

it's really interesting, indeed... Can you share me the link about this "pheromone things". (since "malas" is my other middle name, after narsis of course, hahaha).

And, btw, ngapain malu kaliii, udah gede ini bukan???... hahaha, haduhh maaf, saya ndak bisa becanda kalo pake bahasa inggris, jadi campur2 gakpapa khan??

Thanks again, nice post!

Salam kenal
(jumping from therry's blog)

Silly said...

btw, seems that my link goes to my old blog, and I don't know how to change it into my other blog, so let me just write it down here.

nice to know you mas

Rishardana said...

Hi Mbak SSL :D another interesting name.

Iya Pheromone juga aku taunya dari tayangan geek di tv gitu deh. Jadi ceritanya laki atau perempuan itu ngeluarin semacam wangi yang menarik buat lawan jenisnya. Study nya ada di link ini salah satu nya :

Jadi bahkan kalo gak salah sekarang beberapa parfum gitu dah ditambahin pheromone biar makin menarik lawan jenis.

Tapi saya sih gak ahli soal itu, cuman iseng aja nulis soal pheromone biar kesannya berisi aja gitu artikelnya hehehe.

Oh iya makasih Mbak dah mampir-mampir ya ... emang nih kalo di blogger comment nya pake account blogger jadi diarahin ke blogger profile atau blogspot.

Nice to know you too :)