Of Crossroads

Someone who shall remain nameless (pssst, unless you click on this link) tagged me the other day. The title in question is ‘What age do I wish to get back to, and why?’. Friendly word of caution, this entry will be very personal. I might bore you to death; quickly skip it while you still can.

Well, I haven’t heard anyone actually invented the time machine as of late, but if some one did, I would love it if they beam me back to 1994, when I was merely a skinny naïve 17 years old teenager.

In a classic Twilite Zone style, I’d like to correct a couple of choices I made on that particular year. 1994 was a major crossroad in my life, time of big changes and frequent soul searching. I might have wound up in a completely different place altogether in my parallel universe and here’s why.

Right after high school, frantic tests and college applications came thick and fast. I managed to complete the whole Military Academy tests and barely passed. I was already inside their camp and munching those horribly brittle rice and sandal like meat.

Two weeks have gone when I received the news that I got in STT Telkom’s list for Information Technology faculty.

Frankly, it was never my intention to become military personnel. It served plainly as an alternative just in case I didn’t get through anywhere. I was already disillusioned of living inside a dormitory for three years. Another four years would definitely drive me insane.

Therefore, I made up my mind and plead to flee out of the camp. Got me a good slap in return from a two star general no less. Darn it, I toughened my heart; even with a bruised cheek at least I got out.

Just to let you know, I was all alone during this period. My family was hundreds of miles away and communication was minimum at best due to pricey long distance call. I took a bus from Magelang to Bandung for the first time and process the administration to enter STT Telkom. There’s a horrific tale involving some transvestites when I stepped my foot in Bandung soil, but that’s another story.

I rented a room near the campus. It was so cheap I had to sleep on top of the praying mat. To take a bath one needs to sweat first, drawing bucket of water out of a well. Because the fee to STT Telkom was rather expensive, I needed to cut some cost in other places. Those were some rough days.

Several weeks later, the newspaper listed names of people who got through the UMPTN. My name was among the fortunate ones. This was very dilemmatic for me, Architecture Engineering of ITB; a government-subsidized institution was a lot cheaper than STT Telkom. It’s not too shabby either way.

I was inclined to stay at Telkom knowing IT and Communication would be a hot property in the future. However, I sincerely doubt I’d enjoy sleeping on that dingy floor and showering with some dodgy water, as the well mostly covered with mildew and some sort of fungus.

Once again, I made a decision to take my money uptown and gamble towards the elephant campus of ITB. Found me a decent enough room and immediately meeting my soon to be best friends from class of 94. There, for six long years, I was succumbed by landscape sketches, rendering, and building designs. Truth be told, I was not very good at it.

As you probably have known, currently I am not working in the Architecture field at all. During the last nine years, IT has been my bread and butter.

Now what if and this is a big if, back then, I stick to military academy, or the IT Faculty of STT Telkom, where would I end up.

With the time machine given to me by this tag, I’d be able to go back and capture a glimpse of things that may have come to pass, shall I chose the other paths, the road not taken.

Perhaps, looking back to our past might encourage us to be thankful, for our own ‘here and now’.

  • Told you it’s very personal, hope I didn’t put you off and you’ll still be visiting this site next time.
  • As with the custom of tagging, I’ll pass this flaming torch to five other bloggers. Their name and address shall be posted in here in coming days. First, I need to confirm that they wouldn’t mind being tagged.
  • UMPTN is a test to enter state-owned universities in Indonesia. A lot of luck involved in getting pass that.
  • Here is the link of the page where I was tagged, if time permits please read it also, good stuff.


Anonymous said...

WOW, i never knew you had such a horrid life back in your teenage years... I guess all military school always teach theirs students/candidates pretty rough huh?

But, glad to see you get out from there, find your own peace too in IT (YEAY!!!)

This is a great story Rishardana, 1994 - Crossroads (wow like Britney movie) he he he...

I'm linking this post ok (^_-)

Thanks for sharing your personal life to us.


,.-*'oo'*-.,_Chronicles of Trisna_,.-*'oo'*-.,

Rishardana said...

Hai Trisna :)
It's not really horrid, tough maybe, it helps to shape me in the future though as life in general is not easy.

Yup, I'm also glad that I was out of there, even some of my friends who are still in the army, when we talk about it, it was something to reminisce and laugh together.

As we all learned Army nowadays have a very different role than the ones they have in New Order Regime. Things aren't that rosy anymore in some part. With the rise of civil movement, slim chance for them to be as powerful as before.

Haha true, it's like Bon Jovi album mixed with Britney's movie ... :D

Thanks for the link Tris, hope you get well soon.

Katadia said...

Hello mas Rishardana...

I love personal postings. It feeds my hunger for reality show now that I don't get much reality show here like Playboy Kabel in Indonesia (it's so konyol me and the hubby would watch it on the net sometimes LOL).

When did you start 'writing'? I am sure you didn't get much chance when doing architecture, right? :)

Ms Baker said...

But you met your lovely, lovely wife at ITB kann??


THAT won't have happened if you had been in military of the IT uni.. :)

Rishardana said...

@Hi Mbak Katadia :)

Hehe, yeah in here terrestrial TV all full of them reality show, I can see that sometimes it can be amusing to watch something so corny beyond comprehension :D

Actually it's just this June 2008 I started to blog again. Mostly inane ramblings hahaha ... in my architecture study years I don't write much, even my final assignment papers was one of the thinnest in the history of my school :D

Thanks for the comment :)


@ Lina
Iya sih true, however in the immortal words of Vina Panduwinata, "kalo memang jodoh tak lari kemana" :D

Thank you Lin, I see you have recuperated well ... cool :)

Rob Baiton said...

That is the beauty of life, the not knowing what's around the next corner.

I never live in the what if world and ignore questions of what would life have been like had I chosen differently.

Simply, no one decision is responsible for where I am today. Even if you go back it is still the Forrest Gump box of chocolates scenario.

If you had stayed at STT Telkom means you might have a different qualification but who knows where you might have ended up. The path you would have taken would heave been determined by the temporal decisions you made at the relevant points in time on that path.

The question is, "are you happy?" If the answer is no then perhaps it is not a case of reflecting on the past but deciding what you want to do in the future. :D

Rishardana said...

Pak Rob
Hehe Iya Pak, I thank heaven for happenstance.

In here I was just floating the idea of what if. To be honest it occured to me what if I stayed in military, I probably wouldn't like it too much and I'm happy for that.

Without thinking too hard I'd say I'm perfectly content with the way things are going with my life.

Random tests over the internet shows that I'm a phlegmatis hehehe, probably that's why I smile alot in real life and never having too much ambition :D

Nggak neko-neko kalo kata orang Jawa.

Thanks for the comment Pak, totally agree that no one particular decision fully responsible to where we are right now. It's a permutation of sooo many things.

Noni||CT said...

waaa om heruuu

yoku ganbatta!

~anak baru~

Rishardana said...

Hahaha ... Noni :)
Makasih ya dah komen ...