Of Recap and Roundup

A dear friend asked me last week about the apparent lack of update in my blog. I jest and said that, apparently, my life is not ‘that’ interesting. We both laughed.

Come to think of it, my life is indeed so ordinary. There is not much going on, which is something that I’m always thankful for. Changes usually throw me out of balance and I’ve always been slow in adapting to any major transformation. If my life is a movie, it will be one without sub plot, action and twist. Mind you, I’d welcome any sub plot if it happens to be a rendezvous with Jessica Alba, or something of that sort.

Speaking of changes, several colleagues in the office will be leaving to pastures new, looking for different challenges. I applaud and am happy for them all. I may have been here for far too long. It’s been four years to be exact. The fact that the people are extra nice and there’s no malicious office politics is something that will be difficult to replicate anywhere else.

Feeling curious, I recap things that have been happening around in these past weeks.

First, the company announced that I’m one of two people in Jakarta branch with the 'best performance' for this quarter. I got an iPod for it with my name engraved in behind (that means I could not sell it). Twice already, they have been handing out iPods for the winner. However, I feel there are other people deserve this more for their hard work and dedication. I certainly hope that someday everybody will be getting one.

Maybe this was some sort of reward for my ‘loyalty’. Actually, I’m the second oldest person in this branch, which is an alarming fact in itself. There was a photo of my wide grinning mug circulating in Petrolink International email. It was mildly embarrassing because I look so much fatter than my boss who was handing out the prize.

Second, I was so happy to reclaim back the domain name Rishardana.com. I had it from 2000 to 2004, but due to being out of town, I was late to transfer the extension fee. Some domain trawler held it until recently. Now it’s back in my hand and I’m psyched! I will put some of my portfolios in there.

For some bonus, the hosting company also included a free domain name, and I chose Negeriku-Indonesia.com. This will be a website of all things Indonesia, from travel accounts, places to go, articles about art and culture of Nusantara, and some other touristy stuffs. Finger crossed it will be useful for people who wants to visit this country.

Third, last week, we went to Senen flea market to buy some second hand books. We ended up with four large plastics full of books, mostly architecture and visual art stuffs. The place evidently has been in huge decline, plenty of stalls are closing. There’s not many people enjoy reading second hand book these days. Admittedly, it is far more pleasurable to buy books from large luxurious shopping malls where there's no danger of pickpockets and harsh store keepers.

Fourth was food wise. We ate at Ta Wan Restaurant twice these two weeks. Once at MM Bekasi branch and the other week in Setiabudi Building one. The porridge was divine and at good price too. Eleven thousands rupiah for a large delicious extra yummy three-flavored porridge bowl is definitely a bargain.

Fifth was about the movie. Three weeks ago, we went to watch The Dark Knight with colleagues and their family from the office. My wife had just arrived from Malang by train when we rushed to the theater; with large suitcases and bags full of crispy crackers, we struggled to find our seat. We missed a good thirty minutes from the opening sequences, so we decided to watch it again the following week.

This time in Bekasi’s very own XXI. Alas it was choc'a'bloc full of children and families, which was surprising because TDK is a very dark, violent, and disturbing production. Perhaps people misinterpreted the image of comical Batman from previous sequels.

It was good fun, very much different compared to watching movies in Jakarta. They closed the XXI lobby so hundreds of people trapped in between the gate and the escalator. When they did open the door, people were kicking and screaming towards the ticket box. It reminds me much of my days in Bandung. Lot of babies crying midway through the movie, teenagers taking pictures and chatting about, and twice the studio stopped to change reels. Splendid!

Well, there it is folks, round up events for the last two weeks. Have a nice weekend to you all.

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