Little House on the Prairie


Life isn’t just all about the endings, is it? It’s a series of continuous moments (unless probably when the judgment day has come obviously). So when we see Tom Hanks and his son finally meet Meg Ryan on top of The Empire Building, or when Hugh Grant rush to the conference room and admits to Julia Robert about being a daft prick, I really would like to know what’s next lie waiting for them. Perhaps we can come back ten years later, are they squabbling a lot? Are they still together? And many other question ones can conjure up their minds (But please none of those dimwitted sequels around).

So when I got me a call the other day from a lady with a nice voice saying that my loan application to their bank is approved, I was overjoyed. I’ve been dreaming about this for so long. Having a home of our own, albeit it’s a small one and situated at about one hour from whence I’m currently working. As the Chinese would say, a journey of thousand miles started with a single step. Well, this is my single step forward.

It was not that easy applying for the loan. Plenty of work papers need to be filled. The Primary Tax Number for one and how to convince the previous owner to let us copy his Ownership Certificate was just among several tricky things we face along the way. Good thing the Bank’s marketing staff happens to know a member of my wife’s family. We really received gargantuan amount of help from him. Imagine, we’ve got our approval notice in less than a week.

My wife is such a great saver. If it were up to me, we’d have end up with zilch amount in the bank, for I was such a reckless spender. But thanks to her crafty and strict expenses management policy, we had enough to pay half the House and save some for renovation and furniture.

Many people said that the price really was a bargain, plenty of offers in the table, yet because the owner is residing in Surabaya, it’s rather difficult for them to reach any agreement. My wife flew all the way to Surabaya to convince the family that we’re the right buyer for them. Kudos for her, she managed to persuade them to come to Jakarta when the contract signing date arrived.

It’s not all well and dandy though; we still have to face the moving on thing, which is going to be a real bitch. Facing several squabbles deciding what color to choose for the paint, what kind of coffee table and sofas to fill the living room. How to be more docile facing the commute every day from home to the office is one of the daunting prospect lies ahead, and many more. Hopefully that will not take the joy out of our new start, as I was saying, life is a series of continuous moments.

When I was a little boy, I loved to watch Little House on the Prairie every Sunday for years. We have our own little house now, and South of Bekasi is our new prairie.